Rycote Super Shield Microphone Windshield Blimp - Made Smaller

Описание к видео Rycote Super Shield Microphone Windshield Blimp - Made Smaller

Rycote Super-Shield: http://cheesycam.tv/Blimp
Rear Pod: http://cheesycam.tv/rearpod
Azden SGM-250CX: http://cheesycam.tv/azden250cx
Read More: http://cheesycam.tv/RycoteBlimp

Here's i'm putting together the small version Rycote Super-shield Microphone Windshield (a.k.a Blimp) over my Azden SGM-250CX microphone. And then i'm replacing the front pod to make it extra small. Read more: http://cheesycam.tv/RycoteBlimp


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