Modified Moog Realistic Concertmate MG-1 Showcase

Описание к видео Modified Moog Realistic Concertmate MG-1 Showcase

Here's what I did to the poor old thing:
Pulse width control for pulse oscillators
Osc 2 detunes an entire octave up and down
Added a switch that brings both oscillators down an octave
Sustain level knob
Osc 2 pitch modulation from LFO and envelope
Polyphony pitch modulation

Not shown:
Ring modulation from the square and saw wave of Osc 1
Increase the output volume, which even distorts when the volume knob is all the way up.

I meant to take some pictures of the inside, but totally forgot, and I don't plan on opening it again as it is a huge pain to cram all the new pots and switches inside, but I do plan on posting about it at the Moog forum.



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