PDP-8/V 8-tube Board

Описание к видео PDP-8/V 8-tube Board

Assembling an 8-tube Board for PDP-8/V

The 8-tube boards hold the tubes for the PDP-8/V. Each board contains 16 generic inverters and get plugged into the crystal rectifier boards that contain the digital logic circuits. These boards are specifically for 6J6As (dual triodes), but could be redesigned for other tube types or even JFETs or MOSFETs. 41 such boards are required for the PDP-8/V (328 tubes).

When I say '47K' in the video I mean '46.4K', and '27K' really means '26.7K'.

PDP-8/V webpage: https://www.outerworldapps.com/pdp8v/

GitHub: https://github.com/mrieker/pdp8v
- look under tree/github/kicads/eight


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