BFT KIDNAPPED ME ?!?! | colorado vlog

Описание к видео BFT KIDNAPPED ME ?!?! | colorado vlog

the Best Friends Today channel KIDNAPPED ME and flew me out to COLORADO 😵😵😵😵 i’m jk but i am surprised i made it back alive after they forced me to go skiing !!!! no but actually all of it was so so so fun i’m forever grateful for the all-expense paid vacation to do what i love w my friends like wow anyway i hope ur all loving the BFT episode !!!!!!! it turned out so amazing and so funny i’m so actor youtuber ugh can life get any better

socialzzz ⬇️
insta : ‪@mabelconnell‬
tiktok : ‪@mabelconnell‬
i’ll prolly delete threads soon so don’t even worry ab it

FAQ !!

q : literally how do u get urself into these situations ur life be mad hectic

a : i actually cannot tell u these things just kinda happen to me but i’m not complaining !!!!!


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