Network analyzer with ntopng and arp spoofing on a Raspberry Pi

Описание к видео Network analyzer with ntopng and arp spoofing on a Raspberry Pi

Using a Raspberry Pi and some software like arpspoof, tshark and ntopng we will build a simple graphical network analyzer that can show us network flows in real time. Is that IP camera spying on us ? Is that iPhone transmitting data somewhere ? The suggested recipe can be used in any IPv4 network.

Commands used in the video:
install tshark and arpspoof

sudo apt update
sudo apt install dsniff tshark
remove the spaces from the following command to dwnload from
wget https: / /
sudo dpkg -i apt-ntop_1.0.190416-469_all.deb
sudo apt install –fix-broken
see the listening sockets

sudo netstat -tulpn

find out the IP address
ip -br addr
show connections on port 53
sudo tshark port 53
with nice formatting
sudo tshark -nn -e ip.src -e -E separator=" ; " -T fields port 53
turn device into router:
sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
launch arpspoof:

arpspoof -t -r

0:00 the idea
0:58 what we need
1:12 important disclaimer
3:00 the blue print

4:00 installing the software
6:40 connecting to ntopng
7:15 tshark
8:30 turn the raspberry pi into a router
9:40 ARP explained
10:40 arp spoofing explained

12:00 redirect traffic to the pi with arpspoof
13:15 call to action
14:05 checking out the webcam
14:50 checking the iphone and speedtest
15:20 ntopng - tips and vs. Wireshark
17:00 IPv6
18:10 closing

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