Systema exercises to develop striking strength (for punches).

Описание к видео Systema exercises to develop striking strength (for punches).

Exercises to make your joints (ligaments) and the muscles of your arms, involved in the striking motion of punching, strong. Do them slow in all directions to obtain maximum benefit from each repetition. For the stick work, you can progress from the centre of it towards the end as you gain wrist strength (do not move your arm); go up and down then, circular clockwise and counter-clockwise. For the push-ups, engage your shoulders at the beginning and end of the motion to encourage core strength and flexibility behind every strike (punch) you deliver; beginners without weighted vest or rolling the fists, then start rolling your fists as you gain wrist strength, later add the weighted vest increasing the load gradually. In this demonstration a 10 Kilos (22 Pounds) weighted vest is used. As for the breathing, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth, letting the air out naturally (do not blow it forcefully out); also, alternate your push-ups on inhale and exhale (different parts of the breathing cycle), so do when punching. Your breathing leads your movement, not the other way around.

Note: I was 48 years old at the time of recording and publishing this video; exercise regularly, enjoy a healthy diet and you'll age gracefully !.


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