Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout [PS1] - Super Vegetto

Описание к видео Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout [PS1] - Super Vegetto

This is a play-through using Super Vegetto in the PS1 game Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout. Read on below for more information...

Super Vegetto is the penultimate boss in this game. He is an unlockable playable character.

===== About Super Vegetto =====
He's meant to be Goku and Vegeta combined... which I imagine makes this character extremely powerful in the story-line. Is this the same character as Gojita / Gogeta?

Gameplay-wise, I think he is one of the best characters in the game... he's quite fast and deals out quite high energy depletion. His non-demo Beam and non-demo Kamehameha moves both come out FAST and does high depletion.

===== About Dragon Ball GT: Final Bout =====
This is TOSE's (the developer) second Dragon Ball fighting game on the PS1... it's almost a "sequel" to their first game, Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22. The main differences to this and the "prequel" is that the characters in-fight consist of 3D models, and the roster of characters is far smaller.

The gameplay is very similar to DBZ:UB22, where you have the usual moves, Chi moves and special moves. New features include the Meteo combos and "counter-Kamehameha" moves where the "victim" can decide to avoid, block or counter the moves before they hit.

Unfortunately... the general gameplay is poor (in my opinion). No matter which character you control, it's very clunky and unresponsive... it's one of those games where when you press a button or a direction, it takes a split second before your input registers with the character. This makes flying difficult in this game, because the unresponsiveness means you can never be pinpoint with flight movements, which is important because you need to get into the right positions QUICKLY to be able to hit flying opponents. The same can be said when turning around... if your character ends up facing the wrong way, the unresponsiveness makes it difficult to turn around (it's NOT auto-turn, you have to do it yourself), and it takes a lifetime for your character to fully turn around.

Other issues I had was the fact that Meteo combos seemed to be hard to get working... and of course, the CPU virtually always gets it working, leaving you to face a Meteo combo like 3-4 times before you can finally get back into the fight again (each combo session can probably can be countered but I couldn't be bothered checking). Blocking (using a block button) also seems to be unresponsive sometimes.

On the upside though, special moves are much easier to get working this time round. There is also a 'Build-up' mode where you can power up a selected character, which I won't comment on as I have not experienced it. The soundtrack is generic "adventure-style" music, and some of the tracks are remixed tunes from DBZ:UB22, and the game has interaction/voice-acting on the versus screens between the characters.


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