【梅干菜肉燒餅】Buns Filled with Dried Salted Mustard and Pork/香濃梅干菜/家鄉古早味/Easy and tasty Recipe/

Описание к видео 【梅干菜肉燒餅】Buns Filled with Dried Salted Mustard and Pork/香濃梅干菜/家鄉古早味/Easy and tasty Recipe/

材料: (做個12燒餅) Ingredients: (make 12 buns)
麵團: For the dough:
中筋麵粉 500克 all-purpose flour, 500 g
鹽 1/2茶匙(2.5克) salt, 1/2 teaspoon
溫水 320 ml warm water, 320 ml
油 1大匙(15 克) oil, 1 tablespoon

內餡; For the fillings:
豬絞肉 400克 ground pork, 400 g
梅干菜 50克(乾) dried salted mustard, 50 g (dried)
米酒 1大匙 (15克) rice wind, 1 tablespoon
醬油 3大匙 (45克) soy sauce, 3 tablespoons
蠔油 1大匙 (15克) oyster sauce, 1 tablespoon
冰糖 20克 rock sugar, 20 g
水 300 ml water, 300 ml
香油 1茶匙 (5 克 ) sesame oil, 1 teaspoon
青蔥 2根 green onions, 2
(1茶匙=5 克, 1大匙=15克)
Mix 1 teaspoon corn starch and 2 teaspoons water to thicken the sauce.

其它: Others:
適量白芝麻 some white sesame seeds

Music: YouTube Audio Library



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