KRETALLIS - NOLIMITS 2 Inverted B&M - Made with OpenFVD

Описание к видео KRETALLIS - NOLIMITS 2 Inverted B&M - Made with OpenFVD

Kretallis is an inverted coaster from Bolliger & Mabillard manufacturer, with 1250 meters long and 50 meters height, is it my first inverted coaster create with NoLimits2. I hope you enjoy it !

Set in a post-apocalyptic world, Kretallis races through an abandoned industrial zone. Fallen power lines, rusted pipes, and unused coaster tracks form a desolate landscape where nature and decaying metal blend into chaos.

Music : Outlaw Star - Eagle Eyed Tiger

Chapters :
00:00 Intro (Offride)
02:22 First Row Onride
03:31 Last Row Onride

Thank you for watching!



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