Past indefinite Tense Class 17 Learn Past indefinite tense with Examples in Urdu & hindi) Improve

Описание к видео Past indefinite Tense Class 17 Learn Past indefinite tense with Examples in Urdu & hindi) Improve

Past indefinite Tense Class 17 Learn past indefinite Tense with examples in urdu and hindi and how to improve Tenses
so in today's Class we will discuss about #pastindefinitetense in this video we will see that how will we identify past indefinite tense and how will we make past indefinite sentences in English there are three tenses and each tense as four branches
These are

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1 #pastindefinitete
2 #pastcontinuous
3 #pastperfect
4 #pastperfectcontinuous
5 #presentindefinite
6 #presentcontinuous
7 #presentperfect
8 #presentperfectcontinuous
9 #futureindefinite
10 #futurecontinuous
11 #futureperfect
12 #futureperfectcontinuous


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