Biological Methods of Weed Control

Описание к видео Biological Methods of Weed Control

Biological Methods of Weed Control

1. Two beetles Octotoma scabripennis and Uroplata giraldi against Lantana camara
2. Scale insect Dactylopius tomentosus against Prickly-pear weed - Opuntia
3. Flea beetle Agasicles hygrophyla against Alligator weed Alternanthera philoxeroides
4. Fish Common carp and Chinese carp for Aquatic weeds
5. Mammals Manatee or sea-cow for Water hyacinth
6. Snails Marisa sp and other fresh water snails for Submerged weeds like coontail and algae
7. Fungi Rhizoctinia blight against Hyacinth
8. Mites Tetranychus spp. against Prickly pear
9. Larvae of Coctoblastis cactorum control prickly pear Opuntia spp.
10. Crocidosema lantana for control of Lantana camara
11. Cuscuta spp. is controlled by Melanagromyza cuscutae
12. Cyperus rotundus is controlled by Bactra verutana
13. Ludiwigia parviflora (weed of rice field) is completely denuded by Altica cyanea
14. Control of Parthenium hysterophorus by Mexican beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata
15. Cassia tora (chakoda) and marigold plants are capable to replace Parthenium hysterophorus
16. Desmodium uncinatum can be used in push-pull farming to stop the parasitic plant, witchweed (Striga).
17. The legume vine Mucuna pruriens (velvet bean) is used for control of Imperata cylindrica.


1. Devine: A liquid suspension of fungal spores of Phytophthora palmivora causes root rot is used for control of Strangle vine (Morrenia odorata) in citrus
2. Collego: Wettable powder containing fungal spores of Colletotrichum gloeosporoides causes stem and leaf blight is used for control ofJoint vetch (Aeschyomone virginica) in rice and soybean.
3. Bipolaris: A suspension of fungal spores of Bipolaris sorghicola is used for control of Jhonson grass (Sorghum halepense)
4. Biolophos: A microbial toxin produced as fermentation product of bacteria Streptomyces hygroscopicus is used for control of Non-specific, general vegetation.

Video links
1. Crop Weed Competition: A Biological Interaction - Intra and Interspecific    • Crop Weed Competition: A Biological I...  
2. Biological interactions, mutualism, Commensalism, parasitism, Neutralism, Amensalism, competition    • Explanation of Biological Interaction...  
3. Crop Weed Association, Crop Weed Interference, Crop Weed Competition and Allelopathy    • Crop Weed Association, Crop Weed Inte...  
4. Types of Weeds: Meaning and Examples    • Types of Weeds: Meaning and Examples  
5. Difference in Weeds, Off type ,Volunteer and Rogue Plants    • Difference in Weeds, Off type ,Volunt...  
6. Concept Based Questions on Weed Matching    • Concept Based Questions on Weed Matching  
7. Classification of Herbicides    • Classification of Herbicides  
8. Methods of Application of Herbicides    • Methods of Application of Herbicides  
9. Formulation and Calculation of Herbicides    • Formulation and Calculation of Herbic...  
10. Mechanism of Herbicidal Selectivity    • Mechanism of Herbicidal Selectivity  
11. Metabolism of Herbicides: A major pathway of herbicidal selectivity    • Metabolism of Herbicides: A Major Pat...  
12. Weed Control Efficiency, Weed Smother Efficiency and Weed Index: Concept and Numerical    • Weed Control Efficiency, Weed Smother...  
13. Factors Affecting Herbicide Efficacy    • Factors Affecting Herbicide Efficacy  
14. Fate of Herbicides in Soils: Decomposition and Transfer    • Fate of Herbicides in Soils: Decompos...  
15. Part 1: Persistence of Herbicides in Soils    • Part 1: Persistence of Herbicides in ...  
16. Part 2: Persistence of Herbicides in Soils: Crop management strategies to reduce it    • Part 2: Persistence of Herbicides in ...  
17. Difference in Safener, Antidote, Protectants and Adjuvants and Details of Safeners    • Difference in Safener, Antidote, Prot...  
18. Herbicide Adjuvants: Advantages, Classification and Mode of Action
   • Herbicide Adjuvants: Advantages, Clas...  
19. Types of Surfactants and Their Use in Herbicide Spray    • Types of Surfactants and Their Use in...  
20. Differences in Prevention, Eradication, Weed Control and Weed Management    • Differences in Prevention, Eradicatio...  
21. Effective Weed Management Strategy    • Effective Weed Management Strategy  
22. Reasons: How do Preventive Methods Control Weeds?    • Reasons: How do Preventive Methods Co...  
23. Limitations and Constraints in Adoption of Preventive Methods of Weed Control    • Limitations and Constraints in Adopti...  
24. Reasons: How do Cultural Methods Control weeds? Merits and Demerits    • Reasons: How do Cultural Methods Cont...  
25. Physical Methods of Weed Control    • Physical Methods of Weed Control  


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