Au-fwuchs! - What Are Those Little White "Bugs" in My Fish Tank?! Those Aquarium Specks on the Glass

Описание к видео Au-fwuchs! - What Are Those Little White "Bugs" in My Fish Tank?! Those Aquarium Specks on the Glass

  / somainkdesigns  

Aufwuchs! No, I'm not swearing- I'm talking about the tiny organisms living in your aquarium. in this video I discuss which organisms are beneficial and which can be a problem as well as how to get rid of the troublemakers.

I awoke at 3 a.m. to find tiny white bug looking creatures crawling on the glass of my shrimp tank at first I was alarmed, where did these bugs come from, they weren't here yesterday. upon further inspection I was able to determine that they were simply copepods, a harmless nearly microorganism that lives in your fish tank and in almost all bodies of water.

I will be discussing the use of Guppies to eat these creatures as well as any other creatures such as planaria, or Hydra. it's a matter of taste whether or not you want a natural biome in your fish tank, or you want a pristine simply shrimp plants and beneficial bacteria ecosystem.

Tardigrades, also known as water bears as well as other copepods are some of the strongest and most resilient life forms known to man. come with me in this video and learn a little bit about what they are, where they come from, and what they do.

We will also discuss biofilm, and how these creatures are a good indicator species to determine whether a tank is healthy and producing Plankton, algae, protozoa, and copepods for tiny shrimp and Fry to thrive


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