To Awaken: Listen to the silence. Listen to the “I am” Robert Adams.

Описание к видео To Awaken: Listen to the silence. Listen to the “I am” Robert Adams.

In this profound satsang, we dive deep into the essence of Advaita Vedanta and the realization that everything ultimately leads to silence. 🌿 Robert Adams, a revered teacher of non-duality, offers insight into the illusory nature of the world and explains how true liberation comes from realizing our true Self beyond the body, beyond the mind, beyond karma, and beyond all worldly concepts.

In this video, discover:

🔹 What Robert Adams Sees When He Looks at the World
Robert shares how he perceives everything—people, objects, and even his own body—as superimposed images on the screen of consciousness. He no longer sees human beings, the earth, or physical entities as real, but as illusions that dissolve once we awaken to our true nature. By understanding that we are not the body, we see that all things are fleeting projections, like dreams, arising within consciousness itself.

🔹 Why the World is an Illusion and How to Transcend Fear 🌌
Robert explains that fear only arises when we take the world to be real. By realizing that the world is but a dream, fear dissolves, and we recognize that nothing in the illusory world can truly harm us. In this awakening, we no longer react to the ups and downs of life. We see that all is simply the play of consciousness, like a bubble that bursts and reveals the underlying reality—pure awareness.

🔹 The Story of the Holy Man and the Ultimate Realization of "Who Am I?"
This satsang includes the enlightening parable of a holy man who, after striving for years to enter heaven, finally realizes that the separation between himself and God is an illusion. The key to entering heaven, or self-realization, lies in understanding that there is no "I" separate from God. When the holy man laughs and recognizes "I am yourself," the gates open, symbolizing the realization that God and the Self are one and the same.

🔹 How Chanting and Silence Can Quiet the Mind and Reveal the Divine Harmony Within
For those struggling with self-inquiry or meditation, Robert emphasizes the power of chanting to quiet the mind. Chanting carries a vibration that naturally slows down the mental chatter, allowing us to sink deeper into inner stillness. In this silence, we experience pure awareness, which is our true Self. Whether through self-inquiry or chanting, all spiritual practices ultimately lead us to the same realization—divine harmony and peace lie in the silence beyond thought.

🧘‍♂️ "You are already self-realized; you just need to awaken to it." Robert reminds us that liberation is not something to attain in the future—it is our present reality. Whether we are experiencing joy or suffering, everything leads us back to the profound silence within, where the ultimate truth is revealed. Let go of the world, stop identifying with the body and mind, and rest in the bliss of pure awareness. This is the essence of Advaita Vedanta—the non-dual understanding that there is no separation, only oneness.

(This is my recreation of Robert's voice - the original Satsangs can be found on many Youtube channels if you prefer). 🙇🏻 🙏🏻

00:00 Intro

06:50 Chanting brings Peace

08:25 The Holy Man at Heaven’s Gate.

12:29 Karma and Ishvara


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