Kim Jong Il, the Great Philosopher

Описание к видео Kim Jong Il, the Great Philosopher

From the documentary "Respected Comrade Kim Jong Il is a Great Thinker and Theoretician"
Korean title: 경애하는 김정일동지는 위대한 사상리론가이시다
Year of production: 2000

Unaware of a Thunderstorm

Between May 1966 and July 1969, Kim Jong Il conducted a comprehensive study and analysis of 31 major works by Marx, Engels and Lenin.

Recollecting those days, Kim Jong Il said:

“At that time I read and debated until my eyes became bloodshot and my voice hoarse. But I shall never forget those days of reading and studying.”

One day Kim Jong Il and a group of officials were reading a classic work, which he planned to discuss with them a few days later. Since noon dark clouds had been gathering outside and it began to rain heavily, accompanied by a violent thunderstorm and lightning. But Kim Jong Il was unaware of all this; instead his eyes were glued to the pages of the book. Towards sunset he raised his eyes and looked out.

“When did it begin to rain?” he asked.

“It’s been raining since noon. There was even a thunderstorm,” answered one of the officials.

"Is that so? I was so engrossed in reading that I was unaware what was happening. Anyhow, it was a worthwhile day. I finished reading this book in the course of the afternoon.”

A bright smile spread over his face.


The People’s Wish
The year 1974 was significant in that Kim Jong Il was acclaimed as successor to President Kim Il Sung. The event provided a sure guarantee for inheriting and accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche through generations.

Inheriting the revolutionary cause of the leader is a fundamental problem that decide Jeong Mong-heons the destiny of a revolution. The cause of the leader is a long-term undertaking that should be executed through generations. Therefore, there arises the problem of defending the revolutionary cause pioneered by the leader and inheriting it.
The historical experience and lesson of the international communist movement have shown that, if the problem of the successor is not solved properly in the period when one generation of the revolution is replaced by another, the helm of the party and state falls into the hands of political careerists and plotters, and the revolutionary cause of the leader is stopped halfway and its lifeline is severed.

The convention so far was that the successor to a leader was designated by the leader himself or appointed at a congress or plenum of the party. But in the case of the Workers’ Party of Korea, Kim Jong Il, who had accomplished imperishable exploits by leading the Party and the revolution with a high level of statesmanship, won the respect and trust of the Party and people as their recognized leader, and the people regarded him as the successor to President Kim Il Sung.

In those days Kim Jong Il was a young statesman in his early thirties.

The Korean people’s infinite respect for him emanated from his high profile.

With regard to a great man, some said that he should be a renowned ideologue or philosopher with clear-thinking brains; others insisted that he should be an inventor who has startled the world or a man of literature whose works are loved by the people, and still others said that he should be a brave hero or a military genius.

Human history records many great men, but not a great man who is possessed of the power of both the sword and the pen as well as of love for his country, nation and fellow people.

The Korean people found in Kim Jong Il far-sighted wisdom, excelled creative skill and audacity, and mettle proper to a hero. They also found in him unshakable faith and will, a crystal-clear conscience and a sense of obligation, ardent love for his country and fellow people, revolutionary comradeship, burning passion and pride in his nation, tenderness, simplicity, and modesty.

To be continued...

(Great Leader Kim Jong Il’s Biography 2)


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