Monster Hunter: World [IB] | The Retrials v. True Master of Charge Blade [Part 2]

Описание к видео Monster Hunter: World [IB] | The Retrials v. True Master of Charge Blade [Part 2]

So what is this concept about?
It's another series of where "Retrials" are made to satisfy the need of getting better PBs [Personal Bests] for myself as Charge Blade.
Thanks for watching as always.

These are the quests attempted within their categories, the titles of the quests, my Personal Best scores, and the Monsters:
"Special Arena - MR Coral Pukei-Pukei" // Optional // 2 Star MR Difficulty [1'56]
"Special Arena - MR Pukei-Pukei // Optional // 1 Star MR Difficulty [2'10]
"Special Arena - MR Anjanath // Optional // 2 Star MR Difficulty [3'14]
"Special Arena - MR Brachydios // Optional // 3 Star MR Difficulty [3'33]
"USJ - Shine On Forever // Events // 5 Star MR Difficulty [2'42]
"Memories of the Sea God" // Optional // 5 Star MR Difficulty [4'15]

0:00 - 2:04 - "The Feathery Hydration" alias Coral Pukei-Pukei
2:05 - 4:22 - "The Feathery Venom" alias Pukei-Pukei
4:23 - 7:46 - "The Hot-Tempered Bully" alias Anjanath
7:47 - 11:17 - "The Lusus Naturae" alias Brachydios
11:18 - 14:26 - "The Rimed Ballet" alias Velkhana
14:27 - 19:06 - "The Picturesque" alias Namielle

The Opponents:
"The Feathery Hydration" alias Coral Pukei-Pukei
"The Feathery Venom" alias Pukei-Pukei
"The Hot-Tempered Bully" alias Anjanath
"The Lusus Naturae" alias Brachydios
"The Rimed Ballet" alias Velkhana
"The Picturesque" alias Namielle
SAED | AED playstyle of Charge Blade
All solo runs with Kjarr "Ice", "King", "Thunder", and “Water" Charge Blades.


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