⭐️ 조동사 핵심 총정리 ⭐️ can, may, might, should, must, have to, has to ㅣ 기초영어, 영어회화, 문법, 패턴영어

Описание к видео ⭐️ 조동사 핵심 총정리 ⭐️ can, may, might, should, must, have to, has to ㅣ 기초영어, 영어회화, 문법, 패턴영어

진짜 기초영어 - 완결편 :)

0:00:00 can
0:11:34 can & may
0:25:56 Can I, Could I, May I
0:39:49 Can you, Could you, Would you
0:55:30 will & might
1:11:23 should
1:23:29 must
1:36:32 have to & has to
1:49:48 can't
2:00:36 shouldn't
2:12:42 don't have to, doesn't have to, must not

어션영어 - 재생목록

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구매 가능 인터넷 서점 → 진짜 기초영어 - 완결편
예스24 http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/10...
알라딘 https://www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduc...
교보문고 http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/de...


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