Geoffrey Chaucer Biography and Literary Works

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Hello and welcome to the Discourse. In the previous video we discussed the Age of Chaucer. Now let us have a brief biography of Chaucer along with a discussion on some of his famous works.
#History of English Literature    • History of English Literature  
#Old & Middle English Period    • Old and Middle English Period  
Age of #Chaucer    • Age of Chaucer  
#Age of Revival    • Age of Revival  
#Elizabethan Era
   • The Elizabethan Era  
#Early American Literature
   • Early American Literature  
Geoffrey Chaucer is often termed as the Father of modern English literature. He was born in 1340 at his parents' house on Thames Street in London, England. His father was a wine merchant. Chaucer attended St Paul's Cathedral School where he got acquainted with the works of Virgil and Ovid.
He was aided by three rulers, Edward III, Richard II, and Henry IV. His literary period can be divided in three parts, French Period, Italian Period and English Period.
French Period: (1343-70) He served as a public servant to Countess of Ulster Elizabeth, the wife of Duke of Clarence. In 1359, he joined the Hundred Years' War and went to France. He was captured at Rethal for Ransom.
Italian Period. Edward III paid his ransom and freed him. Then he joined the Royal Service. King Edward III paid him a pension for his diplomatic travels to France, Spain, and Italy. In 1366, he married Philippa de Roet.
English Period: (1385-1400)
During this period Chaucer became the Justice of Peace and later became a member of Parliament of England.
Literary works:
Chaucer preferred English over Latin or French. He was not a moralist but a satirist and a lover of humankind.
Thomas Hoccleve considered Goeffrey Chaucer his role model. John Lydgate, Philip Sydney, Dryden and many other writers and poets praised him.
First Work: Remnant of Rose--an allegoric poem, Translation of Roman de la rose.
The Book of Duchess, also known as Deth of Blanche. Chaucer wrote it to commemorate death of Blanche of Lancaster.
The House of Fame: it is a dream vision.
Anelida and Arcite: the theme is lover's complaint motive.
Parliament of Fowls: It is a dream vision poem.
Troilus and Criseyde
The Legend of Good Women: He discusses stories of Cleopatra, Lucretia, Dido and other great women of History.
One more literary gems of Chaucer was The Canterbury Tales that we will discuss in the next video.


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