Dekhbi Jodi Allah Bhogoban | Basudeb Das Baul | Baul Song | Bengali Song | Folk Song

Описание к видео Dekhbi Jodi Allah Bhogoban | Basudeb Das Baul | Baul Song | Bengali Song | Folk Song

"Ore Mon Dekhbi Jodi Allah Bhogoban" is a Baul song, written and composed by Bhaba Pagla.
Bhabendramohan Ray Chaudhury, also known as Bhaba Pagla (17th Oct 1902 - 26th Feb 1984), was a legendary Baul lyricist and composer, renowned for his contribution towards Bengali folk music, especially Baul music. He was born at the Amta village in Dhaka (currently in Bangladesh) of the undivided Bengal in British-ruled India. After the partition of Bengal by the British Government, he moved to Kalna in Burdwan district (West Bengal), on this side of Bengal in India where he stayed till the end. Though educated up to class 6, his literary creations demand deep insight and a philosophical mind. His songs are referred to as ‘Sadhana-sangeet’ (spiritual songs for self-realisation). For a poet-composer who created most of his songs on the move, documentation and conservation have proved practically impossible. So although various research studies peg the number of songs created by Bhaba Pagla at nearly 10,000, all but a handful are now lost. Many students around the world are researching the literature created by this mystic musician. Through his innumerous songs, he has mostly tried to preach about human consciousness and equality of people, irrespective of societal classifications.
The Song talks about the renunciation of violence as the way of finding Allah or the Supreme Being. Being a song about harmony among different religions, the song rightly points out the similarities in various religious scriptures and personalities about finding peace and love as the way of seeing the DIvine. Through the love for mankind we can achieve harmony with the world and the creator.

Lyrics: Bhaba Pagla
Singer: Basudeb Das Baul
Dotara: Basudeb Das Baul
Dubki: Subhamoy Das Baul
Khamak (Percussion): Sumanta Das Baul
Kartal (Percussion): Pathik Das Baul
Location: Prantik Ashram, Bolpur

Produced by: FILM STOP
Cinematography by: Amit Bhowmick
Recorded & Mixed by: Sujoy Das
Edited by: Sourav Biswas

Bauls are a group of wandering mystical minstrels of Bengal. This community started with the largest Cultural Revolution in the history of human civilization, the Bhakti Movement led by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Their syncretic traditions are the outcome of a culmination of Hinduism, Islam and Buddhism. Baul Music and Philosophy are deeply intertwined, with the Music serving as a medium for expressing and exploring our inner-self and the world around us, in search of the Divine. They also emphasise the importance of love, compassion, and tolerance, and reject distinctions based on caste, religion, or social status. Duality is a common theme in Baul song lyrics, with allegorical narratives using metaphors. ‘Deho-tatva’ – a recurring premise in Baul lyrics – is a concept of portraying nature and the universe through our bodies, which reflects the immortality of the cycle of life and death. It connects sex and spirituality – spiritual union of the individual with the Divine - to attain Moksha.
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