Travers and half-pass for beginners

Описание к видео Travers and half-pass for beginners

“Dressage is for everyone” -Video Training Series

Training video 5 - How to start teaching travers and half-passes for beginners

Hi everyone

Here’s my next training video on how to start to introduce travers and half-pass.

Travers is a movement in which the horses front legs stay on the track and you ask the horses hind legs to come to the inside whilst being bent in the direction of travel.

Half-pass is the same as travers but is across the diagonal.

Unlike leg-yield and shoulder-in however the horse should be bent in the direction of travel and looking where it is going for both travers and half-pass. This can take a long time for the horse to understand and it takes a great deal of suppleness and can take time for the horse to understand this.

Most important thing is that you have a play with it and enjoy watching your horse learn each stage.

Hope you find it useful 😉

Acton Hall Equestrian Centre
Divine Equestrian
Philip Yale - Equine and Dog Fine-Art Photographic Portraits
Sarah Light H&R physio


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