Disentanglement Puzzle 1 - Hanayama H & H Solution

Описание к видео Disentanglement Puzzle 1 - Hanayama H & H Solution

His German kung fu students introduced Chris to disentanglement puzzles one Christmas several years ago. They gave him simple ones but without the solution included so he had to bring his patience, perseverance, and logic into play and spatial thinking also helped him more than once to find his way out of these mental labyrinths.
He advanced to more intricate examples. Shown here is the Hanayama Cast H & H Puzzle which ended up having seventeen separate moves involving pulling, pushing, rotating, and revolving to navigate around the other piece which he found out should be held mostly stationary so as not to lose his orientation.
To follow are the earlier, easier ones which afforded him with a basis for how one should think, experiment, and proceed.
He uses these devices as a teaching tool for his students and participants to encourage logical thinking, patience, perseverance, and to develop the attitude of willingness to try something new. After allowing them to try for a couple of minutes he then guides them through the solution, first describing do's and don'ts and what is not possible and with questions of what is possible.
He's always gratified when someone, without hesitation, immediately grabs for the piece and proceeds and /or sees the solution before actually making the final move or moves. The "Eureka" effect in their eyes is worth more than gold for a teacher.


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