When David Became A Caveman

Описание к видео When David Became A Caveman

LOD-09 - 2010APR04

As we come to I Samuel 22, we find David hiding in a cave, and living on a day to day, just making it mode surrounded by troubles. His experience is mirrored in the lives of multiplied people across the world. When live reduces to being just in a survival mode.

David Became a Caveman“Survival mode” means knowing that life must go on, but you just couldn’t remember why. These times of just making one day at a time is often when slowly become a vicious swirl of getting up, going to work out of the home or in the home if you’re a mom; and dropping into bed exhausted at the end of the day.

And then to find out that after an entire month, you have fallen further behind in every area of life instead of moving forward. That’s the kind of life that I’m talking about and it’s not foreign to most of us. We know what it’s like; we know what it’s like when we feel trapped in a cave of troubles-troubles that just wouldn’t go away?
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