Digimon TCG Spoilers: BT06 Hackmon inbound!

Описание к видео Digimon TCG Spoilers: BT06 Hackmon inbound!

The new hackmon is looking like they want a full deck out of it so I am expecting to see a level 4 and 5 but regardless we have the generic digger and the sistermons to help flesh out the deck along with Jesmon. Red having free casting and recursion is really interesting because they have not had that before but Jesmon is looking to be insane with the sistermons because noir makes him 13k + his own effect makes him 16k and piercing plus gaining 1 memory back. Then with Blanc we get a blocker and draw a card with Jesmon being a 14k piercer. So i am pumped to see what else that deck gets.

The new Bulkmon might mean we get the full line but either way an early game security attacker is really strong paired up with the new pulsmon to give him jamming is something yellow didnt really need.

Ginkakumon and Kinkakumon are looking like fire cards for a lot of new and old purple decks. The new Skullgreymon and Titamon want the discard synergy and there are a ton of old cards with built-in draw and discard so you can make some really fun and exciting things with it.

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