Walt Disney's "Monsters of the Deep" Season 1 Ep 13

Описание к видео Walt Disney's "Monsters of the Deep" Season 1 Ep 13

From Season 1 of Walt Disney's Disneyland Anthology program we have Episode 13: Monsters of the Deep which originally aired on January 19th, 1955. Walt Disney begins the program with a discussion on dinosaurs and how the studio first studied them in the film Fantasia. We then get a behind the scenes look at the making of the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea film hosted by Kirk Douglas and Peter Lorre. The rest of the episode is devoted to a retelling of the film Pinocchio with emphasis on the scene with Monstro the Whale. Due to copyright restrictions the following scenes were removed: a clip from Fantasia, the squid attack scene in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and the extended clips from Pinocchio. All of these films are available on Disney+.


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