Pure 14 Cob | Day Endless

Описание к видео Pure 14 Cob | Day Endless

This setup is pretty aids and no one has really played this setup correctly. This setup was suggested by ‪@AdvyPvZ‬

The original solution uses no squash, spikeweed, cherry, or jala which works if you ban pogos. With pogos, you have to spam jalapeno/cherry and get lucky which is obviously a terrible strat so I would recommend following what I play.

Solution: ch5, PPSSDD(A)(J) | Ia-PPdd | IC-PPdd ( 6 | 14.5 | 14.5 )
Sequence explanation: https://pastebin.com/FCnRqCuv
You swap between using cherry and jala on w1. I would highly highly recommend icing on w1 like I did in the video because it makes w9 and w10 easy. You have to use jalapeno to kill bungees on w10 so you have to use cherry on w3 and w9 while you use jala on w6.
Digger zombies are really precise and they dealt a shit ton of damage throughout this run because I'm bad. The first ice wave, if played 15s, will have 1.15s of error tolerance with the digger zombies but the second ice wave needs to be shorter than 15s or else the diggers will deal damage as shown in the vid.
Because of this, this setup can actually be played with ch5u; 6 | 16 | 14. This is kinda what I was doing in the video but not really

This is a really standard level 7 setup that's existed for years but that doesn't make it a good setup 💀. I don't plan to think about this setup ever again

1st ever manual on bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV17x4...
April 2017 is actually nuts


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