The Companions Suite - A Tribute to 60 Years of Doctor Who Music

Описание к видео The Companions Suite - A Tribute to 60 Years of Doctor Who Music

Sheet Music:

Here's my very late 60th Anniversary video. It was going to be just one of a handful of themed mega suites celebrating 60 years of Doctor Who music leading up to the 23rd of November, but I horribly underestimated just how much effort would go into making just one. The idea was to represent each companion from the show's televised history with a piece of music each. Although, I did cheat a bit and lump a couple together under one piece of music. For the ones that didn't have their own motifs, I tried to find a piece of music that at least played during a memorable scene with them in it, and in some cases, I dipped into Big Finish, The Sarah Jane Adventures, and Torchwood.

0:00 - "One Day, I Shall Come Back"
0:28 - (Susan) Music from "The Dalek Invasion of Earth" - Francis Chagrin
2:13 - (Ian & Barbara) Music from "The Chase" - Dudley Simpson
2:42 - (Vicki) Music from "The Myth Makers" - Humphrey Searle
3:56 - (Steven) Music from "The Savages" - Raymond Jones
4:52 - (Dodo, Ben & Polly) The Eyelash - Johnny Hawksworth
6:05 - (Jamie) Flowers Of The Forest - Traditional
7:59 - (Victoria) Music from "The Evil of the Daleks" - Dudley Simpson
9:22 - Zoe's Theme - Brian Hodgson
10:14 - (Liz) Music from "Spearhead from Space" - Dudley Simpson
10:58 - Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart - Murray Gold
11:42 - (Jo) Music from "Death of the Doctor" - Sam & Dan Watts
12:34 - (Sarah Jane) The Story Goes On... Forever - Sam & Dan Watts
14:04 - Leela - Jamie Robertson
15:40 - K9 on a Mission - Paddy Kingsland
16:13 - (Romana) Music from "Warriors' Gate" - Peter Howell
17:11 - Adric - Paddy Kingsland
18:00 - Nyssa's Theme - Roger Limb
18:43 - (Tegan) Music from "Resurrection of the Daleks" - Malcolm Clarke
19:49 - (Turlough) Mawdryn Undead (Suite) (Excerpt) - Paddy Kingsland
21:03 - (Peri) Music from "Mindwarp" - Richard Hartley
22:21 - (Mel) Music from "The Ultimate Foe" - Dominic Glynn
23:07 - Ace's Theme (from Big Finish's "Gallifrey" Series) - Ioan Morris
24:07 - (Grace) Night Walk & Farewell - John Debney, John Sponsler & Louis Serbe
25:51 - Rose's Theme - Murray Gold
27:35 - (Captain Jack) You Missed Me, Right? - Segun Akinola
28:05 - Captain Jack's Theme - Ben Foster
29:28 - Martha's Theme - Murray Gold
31:12 - Donna's Theme - Murray Gold
32:21 - Little Amy - Murray Gold
32:52 - Amy's Theme - Murray Gold
34:20 - Clara? - Murray Gold
35:35 - Bill's Theme - Murray Gold
37:11 - Graham's Theme - Segun Akinola
37:54 - Ryan's Theme - Segun Akinola
38:16 - (Ryan) Me and My Mates - Segun Akinola
39:41 - Yaz's Theme - Segun Akinola
40:23 - (Dan) What Lies Ahead - Segun Akinola
41:40 - The Life of Sunday (Ruby's Theme) - Murray Gold


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