Sheep Horn Bow: Jack McKey, primitive weapon maker, shows and shoots a sheep horn bow.

Описание к видео Sheep Horn Bow: Jack McKey, primitive weapon maker, shows and shoots a sheep horn bow.

Jack McKey made several sheep horn bows during his life time. Here, he shows one of the bows and discusses it at length. Then, with the help of a friend, they shoot the bow. This demonstration occurs in Ocilla, Georgia, a humid climate in the south of the state of Georgia, where McKey lived until be died in 2022. McKey says the humidity is a limiting factor for the bow, and that it would shoot arrows farther in the dry climates of Montana and Idaho, where McKey first made such a bow. He says a well constructed sheep horn bow will shoot an arrow 500 yards when it is fired in the right climate by a good archer. McKey used his sheep horn bows to hunt in Idaho and Montana, and took a variety of big game with them.


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