"DINOSOWER? That cheat3r crew?" 60fps (Frag Compilation)

Описание к видео "DINOSOWER? That cheat3r crew?" 60fps (Frag Compilation)


ESEA Best Cheater Solution and Matches against Medium-High Tier Skill Level to improve.

Please give my youtube a sub if you enjoyed my content at all. Also a follow at my twitch too cause I plan on streaming 4-6 days every week forever. :)
Thanks for any support guys and thanks for watching!

Follow My Twitter! ..............► http://bit.ly/2hDYyAV
Twitch.tv Live Stream!..............► http://bit.ly/2hQow8v
Setup/Bunnyhop Gear!..............► http://amzn.to/2j87aEw
Esports ESEA Profile!..............► http://bit.ly/2j3DKmM

Dinosower Steam Community........► http://bit.ly/2hDX1uR
Dinosower Facebook Community........► http://bit.ly/2iOAvQU

Lots of clips taken from months worth of me and my friends playing everyday. Thank you so much for watching! Hope you enjoyed it!

  / lolyou1337   Should follow me on twitter ;D
I realize a lot of people use the DINOSOWER tag and che'at but dinosower is one of the biggest steam community groups which currently has 77,000 members and counting. But I believe the reason is the csgo community is garbage and filled with cheat3rs. Not just dinosower you cant put all the blame on dinosower(maybe dinosower has a little lot due to younger kids wanting to frag like us). But it's not for what I've intended or wanted. This video title is ironic and me and my close friends that are part of our community are I guarantee you legit and mean no harm.

Join DINOSOWER and be in one of my videos maybe? :D
like the facebook page :D
  / dinosower  

Come play esea with me :D

Song: Everybody's Circulation by TMABird
  / everybodys-circulation  


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