ANA Team HND Orchestra「地上の星」(2023.11.18)

Описание к видео ANA Team HND Orchestra「地上の星」(2023.11.18)

「ANA× TOYAMA City ~Find Your Sky in HANEDA~」より

◆ANA Team HND Orchestra公式ページ

 ANA Team HND Orchestraは、パイロットやキャビンアテンダント、整備士やグランドスタッフ、そして裏方の”サラリーマン”など、それぞれの職場で働くANAグループの社員が音楽で繋がったオーケストラバンドです。

ANA Team HND Orchestra is an orchestra band of ANA Group employees working such as pilots, mechanics, cabin attendants, ground staff, air cargo staff, and backstage "salarymen" who are connected through music.
The band started in 2011, when employees who play musical instruments gathered to perform at Haneda Airport, in hope of recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Since then, the band has been performing at airports and events all over the country to bring smiles and gratitude to those who have always supported ANA.
Under the slogan of "Wings to Music," ANA Team HND Orchestra are delivering performances to the best of our ability by making the most of our daily teamwork.


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