Woodturning: Walnut Gift Box (for Christmas??)

Описание к видео Woodturning: Walnut Gift Box (for Christmas??)

This is a simple but sweet Woodturning project that kind of reminds me of why I got into woodturning in the first place. Sometimes the woodturning projects I come up with are really complex and there’s a lot of satisfaction in pulling one of those off, but sometimes, it’s nice to get back to basics.

I saw a gift box shaped like this in the Christmas area of Home Goods recently and thought, “I could woodturn something like that super easy.” I had a nice Walnut log, so I cut off a section and went to work.

There was a small void from where a branch got cut off, so I filled that with epoxy resin.

Thanks for watching!

And please check out my Etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/caswoodcraft


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