Radiohead - A Deep Dive

Описание к видео Radiohead - A Deep Dive


Somehow I put Separator and Give Up The Ghost in the wrong order. I am devastated.

The Pinkpop Festival performance that I reference in about five different places was actually May 1996, not June 1996. I realised this just after the video finished rendering, and I AM NOT re-uploading it just to fix that.

The voiceover is inconsistent because I was trying new settings to remove the worst of the mouth noises. Despite painstaking editing in Audacity, I did not succeed in removing all of them. If you suffer from misophonia then you have my deepest sympathies. I suffer with that too, and if you think listening to this was tough, imagine having to edit the bloody thing.

Yes, that is my tummy rumbling all the way through the TKOL section. Never record on an empty stomach. That was my eighth and best attempt at doing the voiceover so I’m damned if I’m doing it again.

You are welcome to subscribe to my channel but DO NOT do this in the expectation of more Radiohead / music content. There won’t be any.

Link to the Guardian article:

0:00 Intro
03:10 Pablo Honey
55:26 My Iron Lung EP
01:08:29 The Bends
02:03:17 OK Computer
03:40:25 Kid A
04:32:38 Amnesiac
05:14:51 Hail To The Thief
06:15:30 In Rainbows
07:21:04 The King Of Limbs
08:07:03 A Moon Shaped Pool


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