Naruto: The Broken Bond ‒ "Kisame's Rage" [⟨1080p60res⟩]

Описание к видео Naruto: The Broken Bond ‒ "Kisame's Rage" [⟨1080p60res⟩]

🎐 GAME: Naruto: The Broken Bond
🎐 TRACK: Kisame's Rage (鬼鮫の激怒, Kisame no Gekido, Lit. "Kisame's Rage") (❢)
🎐 TRACK #: -/-
🎐 COMPOSER: Inon Zur (ツア イノン)
🎐 YEAR: 2008
🎐 Official R.R. Playlist:    • NARUTO: THE BROKEN BOND - Original XB...  

(❢) NOTE: "This track name is unofficial." (❢)

The phantom shark in the mist, Kisame unleashes his terrifying power upon his unfortunate guppy of an opponent. This is at least in my top 5 of the rages between Broken Bond and Rise of a Ninja. It is absolutely rocking, as if to say, "there is no escape" and that's epic!

🍜 "This video is/was part of #NarutoNovember, a special occasion at my channel for November 2016, where we celebrate Naruto game music non-stop! Happy Listening. 🍜


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