Beating Burnout: How to Get Unstuck

Описание к видео Beating Burnout: How to Get Unstuck

Workplace burnout is so prolific and pronounced that the World Health Organization (WHO) formally classified it as a "syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed."

Symptoms include:

😬 Low energy or exhaustion
😩 Negative feelings or cynicism related to one's job
😭 Reduced professional productivity or efficacy

Sound familiar?

If so, you won't want to miss this Ask Kate Anything Live Q&A Session.

Burn-out is a real thing and needs to be talked about and addressed now more than ever.

In some cases, workplace burn-out can be alleviated with strategies and tips from a career expert but sometimes additional support is needed.

And that's where this month's guest comes in…

Jessica Sweet is a certified career coach, Harvard teaching hospital-trained therapist, and the founder of Wishingwell Coaching. She provides business leaders with support to help them engage in the emotional and tactical work they need to do to secure the career they desire.


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