Elections more important than Disasters

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Yip. Typical government priorities, during a presidential election year. Everything not involved within elections, moves at glacial speeds of becoming fossilized. And our own Governor Kathy Hochul, is spending a fortune, and making campaign promises that politicians will not keep, to get Kamala Harris, into the Oval Office, and give New York state, more representatives in Capitol Hill, of the Democrat party.
Well. Rome, New York was a very small disaster. Yet Governor Hochul, threw some money at us, and basically forgot about the Copper City. How would she respond to a major disaster? She failed Buffalo, during the big lake effect Winter storm.
Yet, as we all know, Governor Hochul, is certainly keen on taking any credit(as all politicians do). If she were not, she would not show-up, typically uninvited, to make one of her lame grandiose speeches. Then again, all politicians do.
I say in 2024, no matter whom is to be President of the USA, or Governor of any state, that a binding contract between the people and politicians, must be incontestable. A short, simple, yet painful contract for those in Public Office, to make a guarantee, that every lie they rant in their campaign, must be accomplished with two years. If not, then the people can decide, by voting, whether that politician needs to be replaced.
Must be when New York Governor Hochul, strolled around (some), of the damaged areas of Rome, New York, she and her staff, later-on, agreed that it wasn't so bad. Hmmm. Guess a football stadium, bridges named after Democrat politicians, a strong wind in Buffalo, and of course, kissing Kamala Harris's butt, for a potential White House position, is more important, than The People.
As Ronald Reagan, once stated: "The scariest words a citizen can hear is: I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
Honestly, I think a presidential candidate of one political party, should choose a vice president from an opposing political party. Preferably not a career politician. Career politicians are great with BS. Failure, when it comes to results.
Music from: free-stock-music.com
Tonight by Rexlambo   / rexlambo  


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