Chris Paul Pick N Roll Passes & Assists

Описание к видео Chris Paul Pick N Roll Passes & Assists

Here you will see all of Chris Paul's Pick and Rolls Passes & Assists from the 2021-2022 season!

As a student of the game, watch the video to figure out better ways to make plays for your teammates. As always, ask yourself 'why' to certain actions - What pass was made & why? Take your eyes off the ball and WATCH THE DEFENSE!

Defensive Reads to Consider:
Primary On Ball Defender
Secondary Defender (Help Defender)
Tertiary Defender (Rotational Defender that Helps the Helper)
NOTE: At the highest levels, this Tertiary defender most often will dictate the read (but not always!)

Type of Pass - Air, Bounce, 1 or 2 Hand Pass, Hook Pass, Lob, Fake the Pass to Make the Pass etc.

Spot - Direct or Lead Pass

Offensive Off Ball Movement - Stationary, Cutting, Screen & Roll, Screen & Pop etc.

How does he manipulate the defense to set up his teammates? What spots does he get to, how does the defense rotate, and what reads does he make?

Play, pause, imitate, repeat. Work to make these passes and add in situational defenders so you can learn when to make your decision to DRIBBLE, PASS or SHOOT.

Also, notice that the teammate does not always make the shot!

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