KLOSS Spelling Bee Hosted By Tiara Skye | Liverpool Edition

Описание к видео KLOSS Spelling Bee Hosted By Tiara Skye | Liverpool Edition

Tiara Skye returns for a special Liverpool edition of the KLOSS Spelling Bee. Reigning Queen Black Peppa returns to challenge, Paul McCartney’s Brother, Mike, a city councillor, Carl and viral sensation, Tyler Da Claire.

Contestants compete to be able to spell an incredibly Liverpudlian collection of words.

TYLER: www.instagram.com/tylerdaclaire

CARL: www.instagram.com/carlcashman91

JUSTINE: www.instagram.com/justinecricket

KAMRAN: www.instagram.com/kamran_rasul

PARIS: www.instagram.com/itsparischanel

HOLLIE-MAY: www.instagram.com/holliemaysaker

BRIDE: www.instagram.com/bridesque

BLACK PEPPA: www.instagram.com/iamblackeppa


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