DIY FLOR DE PAPEL CREPOM - ROSAS Técnica Fácil (Paper Crepe Flowers - Roses/200cm x 15cm crepom)

Описание к видео DIY FLOR DE PAPEL CREPOM - ROSAS Técnica Fácil (Paper Crepe Flowers - Roses/200cm x 15cm crepom)

Acesse o vídeo e aprenda a fazer flores de papel crepom de um jeito fácil, sem complicações.

Paper Crepe Flower
Cut a strip of crepe paper measuring 200 cm long by 15 cm wide. Fold the crepe several times until it is 8cm wide x15cm high. Cut rounding like a petal, it is necessary to deepen the lateral cuts leaving a margin of 2 cm without cutting. Open the crepe strip, check if all the petals are ok. Fold 1cm to 1.5cm along the entire length of the crepe. With a smooth rod, or fine knitting needle, begin to gather the crepe without taking it off the rod. When finished, remove without stretching the crepe. Start rolling, without stretching the crepe, in a spiral direction, passing one flap under the other. Don't let go until you're done. The tighter the spiral, the better. Tie tightly and open the petals. I hope I have explained correctly by the translator. Hugs


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