FM Synthesis. A Catalogue of Materials. 02 Wood

Описание к видео FM Synthesis. A Catalogue of Materials. 02 Wood

This is the second instalment from the "FM Catalogue of Materials" synthesis cinematic videos.
These are intermediate level F.M. synthesis, so they require a little knowledge of synthesis in general.

Most of the patches are either percussion or sustained sounds and thus the amplitude envelopes should be obvious at intermediate level (either decays or sustains). The operator levels are found by following each example’s operator steps as they are switched on and then comparing the video with ones own trials.
Each video contains the blueprint for the synthesis of the basic sound of physical resonant materials such as metal, wood, air, strings as used in musical instruments. Some of the videos cover more abstract electronic sounds and SFX.

The parameters on the videos are from the VOPM free FM plugin. They are the same as the Yamaha FB01 and CX5M. They will work on most Yamaha 4 operator FM synths. They work well on, Preen FM2, Korg early FM synths and NI FM7 and FM8 too

Synthesis Parameters
The idea behind this series is to provide the most universal F.M. parameters (mainly frequency ratio data) from which to create variations of the "material" timbres in the videos. You will be surprised how much variation is possible by changing the fundamental frequency and the inharmonic frequency of the bells.

Ratios, how to:
If you are using VOPM, FB01, DX100, CX5 use the CXRatio column. Example:
The first number in the CX ratio is the "Mul" or ratio multiplier (0.5 to 15) and the second number is the "DT2" in VOPM or "IF" on the FB01, CX5 etc). The Detune is more of a standard fine detune you find on any synth's oscillator and is for adding chorusing, beating frequencies etc.

If you are using a DX compatible synth use the DXRatio columns and use that number in your operator frequency.

LFO. This is the most important parameter for creating the "woodiness".

The LFO wave must be a random wave (sometimes called Sample and Hold)
Set the speed to max and then dial in depth/intensity until you get the wood texture. You will also notice it creates ambient reverberation. Unfortunately the DX7 LFO's are to slow to create this effect. On the Sy77 and TG77 use a noise operator as an alternative.

1. Make sure you have the correct algorithm.

2. Start with the first operator as the loudest operator (full level). Then get the level for each subsequent operator. Follow the order in which they are switched on in the video and experiment to get the timbre as close to the videos as possible.

2. The envelopes are pretty easy to work out and are fairly obvious if you listen to each operator as it is switched on in the video.

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