google pixel 5 vs samsung galaxy s23 : camera comparison

Описание к видео google pixel 5 vs samsung galaxy s23 : camera comparison

Today's video is a complete camera comparison between google pixel 5 and samsung galaxy s23.
We will discuss following topics in details!

Daytime Photography:
galaxy s23 and the Pixel 5 cameras are excellent performers when it comes to capturing photos in daylight. The Galaxy S23's triple-camera setup allows it to capture a wide range of shots, including an ultra-wide angle and telephoto shots, providing users with more options when it comes to composing their photos. The Pixel 5, on the other hand, comes with a dual-camera setup and relies heavily on Google's software processing capabilities to produce stunning shots with great detail, color accuracy, and dynamic range.

HDR Test:
Google pixel 5 camera and s23 camera offer HDR capabilities, but the Pixel 5's HDR+ mode is widely regarded as one of the best in the industry. The Pixel 5's HDR+ mode is able to produce high-quality images with excellent dynamic range, even in difficult lighting conditions. The Galaxy S23 also has an HDR mode, but it tends to be a bit more aggressive, resulting in photos that look more saturated and contrasty. Overall, the Pixel 5 performs better in HDR scenarios, producing images with more detail and less noise.

Portrait Mode Test:
S23 and pixel 5 feature excellent portrait modes, but the google pixel 5 portrait mode is considered to be one of the best in the industry, thanks to its advanced processing capabilities. Pixel 5 portrait mode produces natural-looking shots with excellent bokeh and edge detection, making it perfect for portrait photography. Samsung galaxy s23 portrait mode is also very good, but it tends to produce more aggressive skin smoothing, which can sometimes result in a less natural look.

Both phones google pixel 5 and samsung galaxy s23 are capable of recording 4K videos at 60 frames per second, but the Galaxy S23 has an advantage in terms of video stabilization, thanks to its Super Steady mode. The Super Steady mode uses a combination of hardware and software stabilization to produce smooth and stable videos even when walking or running. The Pixel 5, on the other hand, relies more on its software stabilization, which is not as effective as the Galaxy S23's hardware-based stabilization. Additionally, the Galaxy S23 has a more powerful camera setup, which allows it to capture videos with a higher level of detail and better dynamic range.

In conclusion, samsung s23 and the pixel 5 are excellent camera phones that excel in different areas. Pixel camera is perfect for those who value computational photography and want to capture natural-looking photos with excellent dynamic range, while galaxy s23 is better suited for those who prioritize hardware-based features, such as optical zoom and image stabilization.

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#pixel5 #pixel5camera #pixel #s23 #s23camera #technicalguruji #techburner #masstech #videowalisarkar #babloolahori


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