I actually have nothing bad to say! Boxycharm Premium August 2022

Описание к видео I actually have nothing bad to say! Boxycharm Premium August 2022

Hello My friends!! Thanks so much for watching today's video, my Boxycharm Premium for August 2022. I have nothing bad to say, but of course you know I made lots of funnies lol..
Much love my amazingly wonderful Kitten Fam!

   / leannserao  

you can email me at [email protected]

follow me on instagram
  / cyberkitty70  

Shop my poshmark closet

mercari referral link
Sign up for Mercari and get up to $30. Here's my invitation link : https://merc.li/xeZke9TVb

Check out what I'm selling on Mercari! https://www.mercari.com/u/429819433

My P.O.Box
Leann Serao
P.O. Box 226
Irvington, NY 10533

The above links are magic links which means if you shop through them, I make a small, and I do mean small commission. Please don’t feel pressure to use them

FTC disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links"

I use MagicLinks for all my ready-to-shop product links. Check it out here:https://www.magiclinks.org/rewards/re...

Merit Beauty affiliate link

Good Molecules affiliate link

ebates link
If you shop online you should shop through ebates! I have been using it for years.
If you use my link, I get $15 as a referral, and you get $15 after you spend your first $25
If you don’t feel comfortable using my Link, please sign up for it anyway, you will still get $15.

I am a Jouer Cosmetics Afflilate!

AIA Beauty Bundle

you save $10 on your first box, and I earn a $15 credit towards add ons if you use my link. Please never feel pressured to do so, but thank you if you do.


Allure lInk

Ipsy link

Boxycharm link

you can email me at [email protected]

follow me on instagram
  / cyberkitty70  

#boxycharm #boxycharmpremium


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