Kamil Muzyka - Need for Lunar Industrial Legal Framework - 2020 Lunar Development Conference

Описание к видео Kamil Muzyka - Need for Lunar Industrial Legal Framework - 2020 Lunar Development Conference

Note: This session also includes the Legal Policy Networking Hour where Kamil and other session attendees continued their discussion.

Kamil Muzyka
PhD candidate at Institute for Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences

Presentation Info:
Resources - Products - Objects - Debris. The need for a legal framework in lunar industrial development

In the recent years, a lot of time and thought have been given to the resurfaced idea of space resources and the legality of their utilization. This was mostly done in an argument for space mining, while in some cases using arguments relating to ISRU or lunar survival to win the case for resource aquisition against its opponents. The problem however remains that most discussions on space resources end with space resources and do not take a follow-up approach. Basically there needs to be a case for space manufacturing, space object construction, space debris salvaging and recycling, in order to lay down the framework for a sustainable lunar industrial environment. This presentation will hope to propose several problems of intersecting internationals space law and patent law, as well as questions posed by space manufacturing capabilities of machines utilizing space resources.

Speaker Bio:
PhD candidate at the Institute for Law Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. SGAC NPoC for Poland.
Co-editor of Prawo i Kosmos - Prawo Kosmiczne.
His field of study focuses on the relation of patent law and space law in the fields such as ISRU, Space Manufacturing, space robotics and synthetic biology.

From the 2020 Lunar Development Conference, held on July 19-20, 2020 as a virtual event by The Moon Society. For more details, visit www.MoonSociety.org #LunarDevCon #MoonSociety #Moon


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