MEDJUGORJE rara TESTIMONIANZA DELLA VEGGENTE IVANKA IVANKOVIC 21 ottobre 2013 a Medjugorje. Traduzione del caro amico e fratello Michele Vasilj...
Questa testimonianza è un vero dono, poichè Ivanka non ama molto parlare in pubblico...

The most important thing is this: open your heart .
I 've always wondered why the Lord has chosen me?
Why ? the Lord gave me this huge gift ?
A great gift but also a huge responsibility ...
Every man on earth has its own responsibilities when you will be in front of God .
I always say that I have received lots and lots of grace ..
But we all are worth the same way for the Lord, to Him we are equal.
It all depends on what we want to open our hearts ..
See Our Lady with your eyes is a wonderful thing ..
But do not feel it in the heart is not worth much ...
In 1981 I was a 15 years old girl ...
A simple walk with my cousin changed my life ..
I do not even know because at that time I was looking up the hill .. and I said, look ... Our Lady is there ...
That day when we told people , they did not believe it and said not to joke because it was an impossible thing ...
But the next day a mysterious force drew us up the hill ...
When we saw three times the light on the hill , we ran out so fast that no one could follow us ..
When we saw our Lady we realized that it is impossible to describe how beautiful she is ...
I can only say that until now I have never seen anything so beautiful in the world ...
The feeling of peace and love that we felt in the heart can not be described.
She introduced herself as the Queen of Peace.
Her first message was: peace peace peace.
prayer and return to God, fasting and penance.
These are the main messages that she always repeats ..
These key messages are all the answers ..
I do not understand how a human being can survive today without prayer and God ..
The prayer for us to be like breathing ...
Like when we are thirsty, we drink ..
Prayer is not just talk with your mouth then if the thoughts are elsewhere..
Your smile or your gesture of love may be present in your prayers.
My mission entrusted to me by my Lady on earth is to pray for all the families.
We have to understand that marriage is a sacred thing.
We can protect our marriage only with prayer ..
Satan is so strong that he wants to destroy all of our families ..
If he succeeds in destroying our families, he destroys the world.
Because everything comes from the family.
The priests, doctors, politicians, all come from the family.
We mothers have a very important role in the family.
The Lord has entrusted to us their children.
If we do not educate our children, educates them someone else on the road and we know what dangers they may find ..
Many people say they have no time to pray, but it is not true, it does not.
When we get a pain or a serious problem, then we find the time for everything. Every human being on earth has problems (crosses), someone has bigger problems, others smaller.
We are to embrace our cross of suffering and ask the Lord to give us the strength to support our cross.
I can testify with certainty that life after death does not end.
Two months before the appearance of Our Lady, my mother died. During my last daily apparition on May 7, 1985 I saw my mom as I see you. My mother hugged me and told me, I'm proud of you.
For this you do not have to be afraid. The Lord tells us the road forever.
Our Lady told us from the beginning to never be afraid because she would always be with us ..
Our Lady says to each of us not to be afraid because she is with us, she is closer to us.
I recommend myself to your prayers, but I also ask you to pray for me and for my family. I pray every day for every family in the world.
We must be united in prayer and we must be the living Church. We must witness to others, love and peace that the Lord gives us and we should not be afraid. These are the things that I wanted to say to you.
MICHAEL says: you are lucky because you know that Ivanka usually do not like to talk much, because no one else today in Medjugorje, he could hear her testimony.
IVANKA: I want to thank you and ask you to bring peace and love in your families ...
Thanks to all ...
Now we make a prayer for you and for all your intentions.


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