How to Play Zoot Allures by Frank Zappa on Guitar | with Tabs

Описание к видео How to Play Zoot Allures by Frank Zappa on Guitar | with Tabs

I think I love Frank's compositional ideas more than any other aspect of his musical persona. And this song is a wonderful example of why.
I am spellbound by the way the tonal centres defy my best efforts to mentally pin them down. And just when a chord rings long enough for me to find my feet, the timing changes and I'm once again flailing to keep afloat! I'm anchorless in a sea of swirling harmony and roiling meters!

I played this on my unmodified, 1982 Fujigen '57 reissue Fender Strat.
I double tracked it so I could back the gain off on one track in a vain attempt to emulate Frank's ridiculously amazing tone.
I played the bass on my son's beautiful Greco Beatle Bass.

Drums are just some dry pattern in Logic. I think the poor guy struggled to follow those meter changes!

Wanna help me be able to do more of this? Your support is gratefully accepted via Paypal at:
Tabs available over on my channel.


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