Pioneer DJ PLX-CRSS12 Controller Turntable Review - No tonearm needed!

Описание к видео Pioneer DJ PLX-CRSS12 Controller Turntable Review - No tonearm needed!

If you need the features it has, Pioneer DJ’s PLX-CRSS12 controller turntable is a solid option for scratch DJs – definitely a dream for open-format turntablist, likely overkill for others. It's basically a combination of a Technics 1210, a Rane Twelve, and the Phase wireless DVS system. Watch on to see if this turntable is the right fit for your DJ set-up..

Read the full Pioneer DJ PLX-CRSS12 review:

0:00 Overview
1:39 Plugging in, layout and build quality
2:52 Platter and Magvel clamp
5:14 Performance buttons
5:55 Motor and platter controls
6:26 Screen, pitch and controller deck features
7:38 Mixer connections
8:23 Rekordbox DVS with timecode vinyl
9:29 Needle mode - no tonearm needed!
11:24 Two ways to use pitch
13:01 Utility menu
13:57 Hot cues, Stems, sampler, and scratch bank
15:15 Motor on/off demo
16:14 Platter heavy/light demo
17:02 Using with Serato DJ Pro
17:55 Sound quality
18:33 Customisable tonearm
20:14 Dust covers
20:41 Are they right for you?
23:41 Price

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