【溫哥華房地產】买房卖房的隐藏费用 |Cost of buying and selling a home in Vancouver B.C

Описание к видео 【溫哥華房地產】买房卖房的隐藏费用 |Cost of buying and selling a home in Vancouver B.C

溫哥華買房賣房的隱藏費用 |你一定要知道這些額外的開支

在溫哥華買房賣房. 除了房價外究竟還要有什麼其他的費用

估價費 01:14
驗屋費 01:32
油桶掃描 02:25
訂金 03:15
律師或公證人費用 03:38
CMHC 保險 04:22
產權保險 & Survey 04:59
房屋保險 05:45
搬入費用 07:42
地稅/ 管理費/水費 08:10
Good and service tax 08:59



**“The information provided on this video does not, and is not intended to, constitute any professional advice; instead, all information and content available on this video is for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as accurate, timely, or fit for any particular purpose. Ken Hu, his affiliates, his brokerage or any other persons who appear in the video does not warrant or guarantee the quality, accuracy, or completeness of any information in this video. Viewers of this video are advised to seek specific professional advice by contacting their professional advisors, realtors, lawyers and accountants.”

🔷 相關連結🔷


點擊 👉🏽 http://bit.ly/39VKYFp
填入你的名字, EMAIL, 即可收到
帶我去找房 http://bit.ly/3d1luX
免費房屋估價 http://bit.ly/2JErTi4

🔷 聯絡方式🔷

Ken Hu - Vancouver Realtor
溫哥華TOP 10%地產經紀 (精通國語,廣東話,英語)
📞778.889.8826 (Whatsapp 或微信都是這個號碼)
📧[email protected]


網站 : https://kenhusold.com
臉書:  / kenhusold  
IG帳號: kenh_u
LinkedIn:   / ken-hu-05572050  


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