PANEL | East Africa: The Rising Manufacturing Powerhouse of the Continent?

Описание к видео PANEL | East Africa: The Rising Manufacturing Powerhouse of the Continent?

In East Africa, real gross value added in manufacturing has risen by 42% (compared with 34% for services) over the past seven years, with key sectors including textiles, automotive, construction and agriculture contributing to growth. Aware that this progress still falls short of targets, several governments are stepping up their industrial policies and accelerating the roll-out of industrial parks and special economic zones. Kenya, for its part, intends to capitalise on intra-regional trade and renewable energy to boost industrialisation. But to succeed in the long term, how can authorities meet the challenges of an insufficiently skilled workforce, and a lack of infrastructure and financing?

Key points:

– Special economic zones and tariff policies: Capitalising on trade policies to boost industrialisation

– Green industrialisation: Using renewable energy to power businesses

– East African Community: How can stakeholders strengthen regional value chains?

Larry MADOWO - International Correspondent, CNN

Jean-Chrysostome NGABITSINZE - Minister of Trade and Industry, Republic of Rwanda

Henok Teferra SHAWL - Managing Director Africa, The Boeing Company

Satbir HANSPAUL - CEO, Hanspaul Group

Mary PORTER PESCHKA - Regional Director, Eastern Africa Hub, IFC

Igor VAN DEN ESSEN - Regional Managing Director Africa & Europe, APM Terminals SA


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