osu! Livestream Highlights | idke Ascension to Heaven HR?! First Tatoe HDDT FC! Alumetri 8.73⭐ 1❌?!

Описание к видео osu! Livestream Highlights | idke Ascension to Heaven HR?! First Tatoe HDDT FC! Alumetri 8.73⭐ 1❌?!

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Thanks for watching, and if you have any clips you want to see in any future videos, please do comment them below!

All osu! skins used in this video: https://circle-people.com/skins/

0:00 - 0:32 Alumetri (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/748983)
0:33 - 1:09 WubWoofWolf (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1748667)
1:10 - 1:34 Cookiezi (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1027692)
1:35 - 2:27 osulive (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1113057)
2:28 - 2:38 idke
2:39 - 2:59 Cookiezi (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1383825)
3:00 - 3:20 FlyingTuna (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1626537)
3:21 - 3:48 BeasttrollMC (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/915210)
3:49 - 4:36 idke (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/807074)
4:37 - 5:09 Sotarks (?)
5:10 - 5:44 Cookiezi (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1809151)
5:45 - 6:09 osulive (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/50845)
6:10 - 6:45 Alumetri (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1763013)
6:46 - 7:00 FlyingTuna (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/614215)
7:01 - 7:11 Informous (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1420671)
7:12 - 7:40 BeasttrollMC (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/933228)
7:41 - 8:10 Cookiezi (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1736727)
8:11 - 8:41 osulive (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/372326)
8:42 - 9:30 idke (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1822108)
9:31 - 9:45 BeasttrollMC
9:46 - 10:08 osulive (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/794779)
10:09 - 10:38 Cookiezi (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/1782215)
10:39 - 11:05 idke (https://osu.ppy.sh/b/292574)

Player: idke
idke's Twitch:   / idke  
idke's Twitter:   / notidke  

Player: Sotarks
Sotarks' Twitch:   / sotarks  
Sotarks' Twitter:   / sotarksosu  

Player: Alumetri
Alumetri's Twitch:   / alumetri  
Alumetri's Twitter:   / alumetri  

Player: osulive
osulive's Twitch:   / osulive  

Player: Informous
Informous's Twitch:   / informous  
Informous's YouTube:    / @informous  

Player: FlyingTuna
FlyingTuna Twitch:   / flyingtunaosu  
FlyingTuna: Twitter:   / flyingtunaosu  

Player: BeasttrollMC
BeasttrollMC's Twitch:   / beasttrollmc  
BeasttrollMC's Twitter:   / beasttrollmc  

Player: WubWoofWolf
WubWoofWolf's Twitch:   / wubwoofwolf  
WubWoofWolf's YouTube:    / wubwoofwolf  

Player: Cookiezi
Cookiezi's Twitch:   / shigetora  
Cookiezi's Twitter:   / shigetora_twit  


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Ending Song: Wisp X - Somewhere I'd Rather Be
Wisp X's Website: http://www.wispxmusic.com/
Wisp X's Twitter:   / wispx  
Wisp X's Facebook:   / wispxmusic  
Wisp X's Bandcamp: https://wispx.bandcamp.com/
Wisp X's Patreon:   / wispx  
Wisp X's Soundcloud:   / wispx  



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