"Sh*t Sin" The Love i always get, a new friend on SF - Deception Assassin | SWTOR PvP 7.3

Описание к видео "Sh*t Sin" The Love i always get, a new friend on SF - Deception Assassin | SWTOR PvP 7.3

I already found new friends on Star Forge, please guys watch the end of the wz and check out chat xDDD To understand it perfectly you need to see how the guy "owns me" in the middle of the game starting around 4:00 which didnt start too well, because i got a huge lag spike(lagometer is red) and didnt see reflect and ate it....

Some of You asked for deception sin video, so here it is, You also asked for marauder gameplay, so i made some mara videos too, will go public next week. Cheers!

Few more things to note, 2nd day on SF, i mean i still play on DM too, but yeah i feel that ppl on SF are more communicative and they use /say more and they really like the word sh*t :D I had another guy, a madness sorcerer who called me sh*tter like 15 times, i was on rage and beat him in one v one in as well as casually in crowd fight too and he was keep saying sh*tter op rage jugger and stuff like that, dont forget this guy was playing madness :D i mean rage is pretty strong, its an A tier spec for sure but not even close to skank jugg, madness or lethality but this guy couldnt let it go and was keep saying his s letter word and called me op and noob cuz i was playing rage :D

Anyways i really enjoy myself on SF, these guys make my day every day, quite much fun i gotta say, more life in the game because of the more communication.

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#swtor #pvp #warzone #deception #assassin


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