What are the benefits of exercising during pregnancy? - Dr. Madhavi Latha

Описание к видео What are the benefits of exercising during pregnancy? - Dr. Madhavi Latha

Exercising during pregnancy helps in increased circulation Convey key benefits and the physiological aspects here. Benefits: - Physical activity helps in boosting the energy levels by releasing some naturally occurring chemicals from brain called endorphins strengthens and tones muscles providing relief from backaches hence improving posture, reduces constipation by increasing the intestinal movements, prevents wear and tear of joints by helping in secretion of a lubricating fluid in the joints, helps in getting better sleep by relieving the stress and anxiety, helps in easy labour by strengthening the muscles, makes the pregnant women improves pallor by increasing the blood circulation to the skin, helps to regain pre pregnancy body easily by restricting the fat growth during pregnancy. Prevents the risk of gestational diabetes by restricting the weight gain during pregnancy, high blood pressure and postpartum depression by releasing the endorphins and prevents birth of babies larger than normal. Conclusion: - Exercise during pregnancy has many benefits for a healthy labour.


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