Sol Cerveza Beer Review | MoonFlower by Santana Album Review - Beer N’ Beats Podcast Episode 23

Описание к видео Sol Cerveza Beer Review | MoonFlower by Santana Album Review - Beer N’ Beats Podcast Episode 23

In this episode our hosts say “Goodbye” to South Africa’s Summer season with a beer review of Sol Cerveza, brewed by Heineken Int’l, and provide an album review of the 1977 “MoonFlower” album by the band Santana.

Album link: (   • Dawn / Go Within  )

Nolo’s favourite song: (   • Dance Sister Dance (Baila Mi Hermana)  )

Leago’s favourite song: (   • Flor d'Luna (Moonflower)  )
(   • Transcendance  )

*Note from Leago: I am near-fanatical in regard to the music of Sanata, and Carlos Santana’s guitar playing in particular, so I could bring myself to select a single “favorite” song. The first selection is a deeply personal choice because it is one the first songs that my guitar instructor tried to teach me that I thoroughly enjoyed (even though I couldn’t get it “right” in the end). The second choice is a smooth ballad, spliced with Carlos Santana’s amazing guitar skills, that I just feel compelled to share with the rest of the world.

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