Never Alone | A GAS Music Video

Описание к видео Never Alone | A GAS Music Video

Echo is spending time watching tv with his brothers Bob and Nemesis. Seems like a perfect day, until someone attacks them. A stranger who is rumored to be the remnant of an ancient universe that was destroyed long ago. In the wake of his attack, Echo loses his brothers. All seems hopeless for him. Until he receives the energy to bring down the man who killed his brothers, Oblivion the Atavistic.

This animation was made purely out of a simple whim. Never Alone is one of my favorite songs from Divide Music. It’s so inspirational and epic, and also due to the fact that it’s a teen Gohan song. The Cell Saga in Dragon Ball Z was my favorite arc in the anime. Gohan’s story and character throughout the arc was really amazing. If it wasn’t for Divide Music’s Dragon Ball songs, I honestly wouldn’t have seen Dragon Ball Z or gotten into the franchise.

However, as I listened to Never Alone. I suddenly thought of scenarios about my OCs with this song playing in my head. Which leads to this. A music video of an AU of my OC’s. I haven’t done an official music video animation about my OCs before. Like a genuine story involving the canon around my OC’s, until now.

Working on this animation has been quite the ordeal. The Evil King animation was time consuming and difficult to animate at times. However, this one was more focused on fighting, especially Dragon Ball and Anime style fighting. I tried my best to replicate it into this 3D animation program. It was difficult. I’ve always wanted to do fight animations, but they always seemed difficult to me. With this animation, I wanted to test my skills and make the best fight animations that I have ever done. It’s probably not the best, but I’m proud of what I came up with. I took lots of inspiration from many things to create what I did.

This animation is totally Dragon Ball inspired. I will not deny that. Unlike other people. I haven't been into Dragon Ball for a long time. I barely got into it, I say around 2021 or 2022. Before Dragon Ball, I was inspired by many different shows, movies, and videogames. However, after getting into Dragon Ball, I see that many of the stuff that inspired me were inspired by Dragon Ball as well. I must admit, Dragon Ball is very influential. Even though I have been into Dragon Ball for a short while, hearing about the death of Akira Toriyama was shocking. It’s a weird coincidence that I was working on a Dragon Ball inspired animation for a while now, and barely finished it. So, in a way, I guess this is kind of a tribute to him in a way. Thank you, Akira Toriyama. You told incredible stories that changed the world and inspired so many people. His stories and OCs changed the world. I doubt mine will ever have that much of an impact on anyone, but I won’t give up. Even if my work is unappreciated and no one sees it. I will keep making animations for this channel, because I love making them. Thanks for Watching.

Never Alone | By: Divide Music


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